
Legal revolution on the web – DSA (Digital Services Act) and DMA (Digital Markets Act)

The digital transformation and the increased use of intermediary services through online social networks and online platforms that allow consumers to enter into distance contracts with businesses have brought new risks and challenges for individual recipients of a service, businesses and society as a whole. The online revolution has made it necessary for the European

Legal revolution on the web – DSA (Digital Services Act) and DMA (Digital Markets Act) Read More »

Conversion of a sole trade/sole proprietorship (in Polish „jednoosobowa działalność gospodarcza”) into a limited liability company

When the operation of a sole trade is increasingly profitable and more business risks arise, the decision to convert the sole trade into a limited liability company (most often a limited liability company) should be considered. The main benefits of the transformation are: limiting liability for the company’s obligations with the entrepreneur’s personal assets, limitation

Conversion of a sole trade/sole proprietorship (in Polish „jednoosobowa działalność gospodarcza”) into a limited liability company Read More »

Establishing a limited liability company in the traditional way or through the S24 system?

Is establishing a company through S24 the best solution? Speed and cheaper costs speak in favor of establishing a company through S24. However, an entrepreneur choosing this solution should take into account the planned structure of the business.   In addition, incorporation of a company through S24 is only possible if the company structure needs

Establishing a limited liability company in the traditional way or through the S24 system? Read More »